Friday, June 15, 2018

Anybody out there?

I had to dig thru some paperwork for find my password for this blog. I can't believe it has been four years since I last wrote something here. Four years. Four years. My God, so much has happened in the last four years! I honestly don't even want to get into it all right now. I mean, I totally have to change my bio since I am no longer a "40-something." Ugh. 

I feel like blogging again would help me express myself. But does it count if no one else reads it? 

I am currently in a FB book club that introduced me to NetGalley. It's a site that gives you advanced copies of books online to read and review. They tend to give more books to people who have a blog. These are people who blog a lot about books. I love books. I love to read. I love free books. So, I totally feel like they should be giving me ALL the books. So far, I have received two. I take it personally when I get declined. So, I am thinking about blogging about books here. Maybe it'll be good practice for creative writing. Maybe I will just cut and paste the little reviews I do on I don't know yet. I need to figure it out.

In the meantime, is anybody out there?